Society & Media
The Swedish model has successfully regulated the relationship between employer and employee and still today constitutes a good foundation to build on. However, the modern labor market creates new needs and challenges.
With umbrella employment, the Swedish labor market is given the tools to take the step into the future and create new opportunities for individuals as well as companies and society.
Stephen Schad, Chairman

Umbrella employment lowers thresholds for employment. Through the flexible form, more people can find opportunities for their own livelihood and thus contribute to our society and our common welfare.
Umbrella employment also ensures that employees who want to work on an assignment basis do so according to the correct meaning of the law, with control over conditions, taxes and employment insurance.
Client and employer
Employers benefit greatly from umbrella employment as it offers skills that might otherwise not have been available or possible to hire. Companies can use the assignment-based workforce with a clear conscience, knowing that the employee works under fair conditions and that the employer’s responsibility lies with the umbrella company.
Umbrella employee
As an umbrella employee, you get access to organizational resources within labor law as well as good and predictable working conditions. It also means that you can disregard the administration of your own company. Overall, umbrella employment simply enables individuals to satisfy their need for freedom and self-determination, without having to end up outside the social safety net.
Motions, reports and studies
Below you will find a compilation of motions and reports that concern umbrella employment or other labor market issues relevant to umbrella employment.
Click on the link to read the motion and the report in its entirety.
- Partimotion, Hela Sverige skall jobba Moderaterna
- Utgiftsområde 19 Regional tillväxt, 21 Energi, 24 Näringsliv Jonas Eriksson (MP) Lise Nordin (MP) Gustav Fridolin (MP)
- Egenanställning som en del av den svenska arbetsmarknadspolitiken Hans Rothenberg (M)
- Egenanställning och ekonomiskt stöd Hans Rothenberg (M)
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- Främja egenanställningsformen Rickard Persson (MP)
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